Najarian Associates has its foundation in the study and practice of the environmental sciences and hydrology. In that spirit, we are always proud to see our esteemed professionals published!
These co-authors represent that foundation, and the collective knowledge of our long-tenured experts in the field of Water Resources modeling, protection, and planning.
This paper, entitled “Diagnostic DO Model for Narrow, Tidally Dominated Estuary,” documents a new approach that uses high-temporal-resolution monitoring data to resolve processes that control the short-term variability of dissolved oxygen (DO) concentrations in narrow, shallow tidal estuaries – such as the Hackensack River Estuary in New Jersey. The study offers new insights on how this estuary “works”, and a new way to improve the practice of water quality monitoring / modeling in such estuaries.
We are available to answer any questions about the paper. Feel free to contact us!