Project Summary
Full Summary
PSE&G retained Najarian Associates to provide civil and environmental engineering, as well as permitting and surveying services to reconstruct aging infrastructure at their Southern Inquiry and Accounting Center (SIAC) in Bordentown, New Jersey.
County: Burlington
Town: Bordentown
PSE&G retained Najarian Associates to provide civil and environmental engineering, as well as permitting and surveying services to reconstruct aging infrastructure at their Southern Inquiry and Accounting Center (SIAC) in Bordentown, New Jersey. The SIAC facility consists of a 20,000 square foot single-story office building, parking lot, and associated facilities that accommodate 150 employees.
PSE&G owns and maintains the sanitary sewer main, pump station, and force main that service the SIAC.
Najarian found that dirt and sediment were entering the sewer system through ruptured clay pipe. After exploring several options in a feasibility study, Najarian proposed that a sewer main replacement would be the most cost-effective means of maintaining sewer service for the facility.
Technical Services
- Sanitary Sewer Study
- Sanitary Sewer Design
- Sanitary Sewer Construction Administration
- Sewer & Water Feasibility Study
- Site Improvement Design
- Construction Administration
Major Permits Obtained
- NJDEP Freshwater Wetlands
- NJDEP Flood Hazard Area Permit
- Soil Erosion & Sediment Control
- Local Construction Permits
Site Improvements
Phase One: The first project phase replaced approximately 1,000 LF of sanitary sewer gravity main and manholes. In addition, Najarian:
- Completed a design that replaced the clay pipe with PVC pipe in the same footprint to minimize disturbance to other adjacent utilities.
- Proposed manholes to enable the main to be cleaned.
- Flagged wetlands, since the sewer main is located adjacent to freshwater wetlands in a flood hazard area.
- Prepared bid documents.
- Assisted PSE&G with soliciting and reviewing bid offers to perform the work.
Phase Two: The second phase reconstructed the parking lots, walks, landscaping features, lighting, and storm water collection systems. In addition, Najarian:
- Staged construction activities so the facility would remain active, with employee parking maintained.
- Provided an accessible route per ADA standards by increasing access from the parking lot to the facility.
- Prepared a storm water report and determined that several of the storm water collection pipes were undersized and needed to be replaced.
- Proposed standard NJDOT drainage structures that replaced the failing custom drainage structures with those more easily-maintained.
- Prepared and reviewed bid documents for selection of a contractor.
Construction Administration
Najarian performed construction administration for the sanitary sewer and site improvement projects including:
- Full-Time Construction Inspection
- Shop Drawing Review
- Bi-Weekly Construction Meetings to Monitor Progress
- Preparation of Monthly Invoices
The project is currently under construction and is scheduled to be completed by the end of 2016.